Finally – Haiti’s Presidential Primary Election
When I wrote this letter, Hurricane Matthew had not yet happened. The election is now cancelled and there will be great needs around the corner because gardens have been destroyed by the hurricane.
At long last—a presidential primary election will be held on October 9. There are 27 candidates in this primary. If by chance one of these candidates were to get 51 percent of the vote, there would be no need for another election in December and that candidate would become the new president. Please keep the election in your prayers because demonstrations and rioting are generally a part of every election. We will keep you informed on our Facebook page.
January 2017 volunteer teams need your prayers and support. There are two construction jobs plus a medical team who will minister in a couple of rural clinics. The first project is a new roof on one of the kindergarten buildings that has been leaking for two years. There are times during the rainy season when the children have to be moved to another location and teachers have to deal with rain damage in the classroom. The second project is the lagoon at Camp Bossier. This is the biggest eyesore at the camp, not to mention a hazard to campers because water comes down from the mountain and collects in the canal and breeds mosquitoes. The medical team will be comprised of nurses and an ER doctor who will minister medically in poverty areas. This team will be a special blessing since the main hospital in Jacmel has been closed for over two years for repairs following the earthquake. Getting medical attention is presently difficult because of excessively long lines and wait times. Taking a clinic to residents of a rural area who have difficulty traveling great distances and waiting all day to be seen will be a big benefit to them. This team will also have opportunities to give out the Gospel. Please keep them in prayer.
Raising Awareness..
“Do as MUCH as you can, but remember that you are not God.” This was the advice given to me many years ago by my mother, Arshaloos Bell, as I entered the ministry of Mission for Haiti with concern to help as much as I could. Recently these words rang in my ears as I listened to a newly widowed Haitian woman share with me in her tears how she was being hounded and threatened by neighbors and others from whom she had to borrow in order to bury her husband. It broke my heart!! Giving the Gospel in a third world country is loaded with day-to-day challenges because of huge needs relating to schooling, transportation, failing crops, hunger, sickness, lack of medicine, and dealing with death, etc. Though the spiritual aspect is primary, yet our Heavenly Example tended to the necessities of this life. My mother’s words will always ring in my ears as a challenge to do as much as I can. Please pray that God will help us as we sort out the many urgent needs of our poor ones. “The righteous considers the cause of the poor….” (Proverbs 29:7a)
Concerning the radio frequency—please continue to pray that this matter can be resolved according to our specifics so we will be able to begin our construction on the mountain as soon as possible. Government agencies in Haiti transact business at one speed—SLOW.
Gratitude and praise to God for each one of you,
Tom and Sarah Bennett