"Taking root downward, Bearing fruit upward"

Newsletter March 2024

Posted on March 6th, 2024

Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”

(Psalm 124:8)

Baptism at Hosanna Baptist Church

Sunday February 25, 2024, Pastor Dieupie and the Hosanna Baptist Church testified the baptism of eleven (11) people. It was a moment of celebration and praise to the Lord for these people who have declared to our fellowship that they are God’s servants publicly. Thirteen (13) people joined the church by affiliation. Sunday March 3, 2024, twenty-four people were received as Hosanna Baptist church new members.

Every Sunday crowds of people come to church to encourage one another. However, so many churches are closed in Port-au-Prince because gangsters who have been terrorizing the population rule some areas.

School is back

We praise God for the opportunity to have the children back to school after 3 weeks of disruption due to violent popular protests demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister, and his government. Our children in Jacmel and the Southeast are fortunate to go to school because schools in so many areas are closed for a while. Please pray for quick solutions in Haiti as we know without legitimate authorities the country will always keep facing one crisis after another.

Roofing over buildings at Camp Bossier by the sea

After it became impossible to bring a construction team to Haiti in 2023 because of political instability and insecurity, we ultimately decided to hire Haitian contractors to put the new roofing on the multipurpose building, and girl’s cabins at the Camp. The buildings are ready to host campers for this summer camp 2024.

This is a huge blessing for young people who will enjoy camp this year as we could not have camp last summer despite all the demands from campers. Our camp team led by Pastor Toussaint, is already at work for the upcoming summer activities.

Gangs invaded more territories

The situation is chaotic in Haiti. The gangs are gaining more territories while the government is doing nothing to fight against them. From January 2023 to February 2024, human rights organizations state that over 3000 people have been killed in Haiti. A group of gangs launched an attack against the police station of Bon Repos and killed four (4) police officers on February 29. On the same day, gangsters attacked schools and universities taking students hostage. Many families had to flee their homes. Just last week the airport had to cancel all incoming and outgoing flights because gunshots were fired and three (3) planes were hit. An airline employee, and a police officer got hurt in this attack. The Haitian government seems not to understand how painful it is for the population who can’t breathe anymore.

The Haitian Prime Minister who is widely criticized had promised to hand over power to elected officials on February 7, 2024. Now he has declared that he intends to hold elections in August 2025. This announcement has unleashed a wave of harsh criticism against him whom they consider to be the population’s number one enemy presently.

In addition, On March 1st, gangsters attacked the nation’s largest prison, the national penitentiary, which held over 3800 inmates. There are only one hundred (100) men left after this attack which means many dangerous criminals are free and will continue terrorizing the population.

Big impact on our ministry and the population

The last day we were able to feed our school children was October 31st, 2023. Our food provider (WFP) is unable to bring food to our site. Food has become so expensive that we can no longer afford to give the school children a warm lunch.

The gangs now have control of almost 80% of Port-au-Prince. They confiscate food and supplies that are shipped into the country, drastically limiting what reaches the public. This tragedy also includes gas and medical supplies, contributing to much sickness and even death.

Our deep thanks and gratitude to our co-laborers

We are so very grateful for your commitment to pray and support our ministry in Haiti. With your support and prayer, we are able to reach many more than what we could reach with our very narrow resources. Please continue your prayers for Haiti as the country is facing very critical moment at this time!