"Taking root downward, Bearing fruit upward"

Summer 2024 Newsletter

Posted on August 13th, 2024

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10: 10


There’s always a good reason for gratitude despite trials of all kinds we may face. Jesus promised abundant life, and we indeed have it to the fullest.

Overall situation in Hosanna Ministry

We came to the end of the school year in June. We felt relieved as we reached the journey’s end though nothing politically could guarantee a happy ending. We started classes with 895 students from kindergarten to high school; however, some of them (around 20) left the country as they were beneficiaries of the humanitarian parole program offered by the USA. The Bible seminary closed well with good results from our students. The radio is still operating 24/7 with all kinds of podcasts and preachings.

We faced all types of challenges: parents not being able to pay tuition, remaining debt, no food distribution by WFP to feed the students due to transportation problems, shortages of fuel plus other primary needs, high inflation rate causing excessive cost of living, massive displacement of residents of certain areas fleeing the atrocities of bandits. It has been a very tough year!! However, the Lord heard our cry concerning our food situation, and provided some relief from Operation Renewed Hope and Sea Hope who sent us oil, rice and beans.

Bible Conference 

Hosanna Evangelical Baptist Church had its 49th annual Bible Conference. The theme was: “A conscience awakened for a new beginning” from the life of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:17. A full week of praises, worship to God, and preaching of God’s Word by several pastors on related topics, and ended with the baptism of … people. The people showed enthusiasm and willingness to listen to God’s word. Several people came to faith in Christ. We enjoyed having fellowship with our sisters and brothers from our sister churches, and the representatives of several public and private institutions.

Camp Bossier by the SEA

Summer camp was not held last year due to several building repairs. We praise God for all the work that has been done at the beginning of 2024 to prepare the camp for the summer season. We are having three weeks of camp. Two weeks have been realized so far under the leadership of the camp director, Pastor Toussaint, who is doing an amazing job with his staff. Fifty-six  decisions for Christ have been made so far by campers who were thirsty to be at the camp this summer. Summer camp at Camp Bossier is a true blessing for the community, for the teens, and for the youth who enjoy singing, preaching, playing games, and eating good food during the camp. Our team is so delighted to offer them an Eternal alternative to hearing God’s Word and making the decision to follow Christ and His teachings. We covet your prayers for these young people as we know they will be challenged by diverse temptations. 


Some Politics

Hope is almost banished in our beloved homeland. The gangs who kill, torture, harass, and mistreat the population as they gain more territories. Their last trophies are two cities Ganthier and Gressier which is 62.8 km from Jacmel. Four Hundred Kenyan troops are on the ground but are doing nothing. They are complaining about a lack of appropriate materials to face the gangs who are heavily armed. The new Prime Minister recently mandated to establish a more secure atmosphere, and organize general elections by the end of 2025 with the help of the UN.  At the same time he is complaining about the delay in all the promises being made to Haiti. However, the political, economic, and social situation of the country is worsening. More than 180,000 Haitians left Haiti in less than one year (from January to date) for the United States. It is sad to see that the most qualified individuals, doctors, nurses, engineers, lawyers, teachers, and other professionals are leaving Haiti due to insecurity. They don’t know what the future will hold where they are going, but prefer fleeing death. A recent statement from the government said that around 10,000 public workers fled the country. Things are very hard here. We need people like Nehemiah to rise and build the country, offer hope, and create opportunities for the next generations. Our only hope is in the Lord!!

Our thanks to you

We thank you, our sisters and brothers, for your commitment to continuously pray and support our ministry in Haiti. You are making a difference in people’s lives through your support for the radio ministry, the Bible Seminary, the camp, and much more. We are so grateful to have you as co-laborers with you in the Lord’s field. Our deep thanks goes out to each one of you! 

Challenges for the upcoming days and months

We are working on the opening of the next school year which will not be in September as usual but on October 1st, according to the government. Families who have previously lived in very troubled areas infested with gangs have moved to our area, and wish to enroll in our school. These families are very poor families, and will require financial aid. Please remember our “Helping Hands” program that will assist us in helping them. Please, we are asking for much prayer in these difficult days, as we are praying and thanking the Lord for you who have been so faithful in supporting this ministry!! 

Our Prayers for God’s Blessings on each of you, our Co-Laborers.

Pastor Cherubin, Josue Laguerre, and Hosanna Staff