June Prayer Letter
Camp in Bossier by the Sea Begins this Sunday, July 2 – Please Pray for the Power of God
Following Camp Bossier by the Sea during the month of July, Pastor Salomon will begin another week of camp in Charles – August 7 to 16. Camp Bossier by the Sea has been gaining popularity since we opened it in 2011. Young people from the northern parts of the island have visited each year. Last year some young people from the North requested that Pastor Salomon conduct a camp for them in Charles. He did, and they loved it. (His style of camping is patterned after Camps Abroad, an outreach ministry of The Wilds Camp and Conference Center, Brevard, North Carolina, which is designed for camping ministries in other countries.) This summer he will do this camp again. And what’s even more exciting is that Pastor Mike Knight, Community Baptist Church, Garner, North Carolina, will be coming to participate in the camp with a team of 24. Please pray for the power of God to accomplish wonderful results in hearts and lives. We are expecting 280 campers in Charles. Camp scholarships ($35 each) are also needed for this camp.
Seasoned Missionaries Visit Hosanna Ministries
Our May visit to Hosanna Ministries and The Seminary graduation was honored with the presence of several visitors. Rev. David Smith, Director of Open Door Baptist Missions, Greenville, South Carolina, visited the ministry and was asked to preach at Hosanna Baptist Church at the 6 and 9 a.m. services. George Rogier, retired Chief Sound Engineer of Unusual Films, Greenville, South Carolina, visited and gathered video of the ministry for a future DVD. George endeared himself to Hosanna hearts because he is the one who installed our Hosanna radio station six years ago. He visited the new relay station up in the mountain and praised the Lord for that accomplishment. We were further honored one week later with a visit from Walter and Carol Loescher, Anderson, South Carolina, who served in Cameroon for 18 years. These visitors were blessed and glorified the Lord for the work He has done in the Southeast.
Attention Needed for Devastated Areas of Jeremie and Les Cayes
The western part of the peninsula continues to suffer. Recovery from Hurricane Matthew is far from over. When I (Sarah) visited those areas last fall, it broke my heart. Houses and gardens all laid flat! I knew it would require a widespread and massive aid program, and that would only slightly correct the suffering that I saw. Considering the fact that the hurricane casualties and losses have long since been out of the news, how then can folks be alerted to respond? Pastor Dieupie has great concerns because torrential rains are destroying the gardens they so carefully planted recently!! His vision is that we would stock a food warehouse, because he fears there will be dangerous hunger in the months to come. If God speaks to your heart concerning this need, please respond. We will call it the “emergency food relief bank.”
Please keep Pastor Dieupie and the ministry he has in the Senate in your prayers. His load is heavy.
With thanks to you and praise to God for you,
Tom and Sarah Bennett