August Prayer Letter
Testimonies from Campers Sometimes Break our Hearts
FIRST, we want to thank each one of you who supported Camp Bossier this summer through your prayers and financial support! Our hearts are full of gratitude. The entire staff at the Camp worked so hard to make it a success!
Voodooism has always been a dilemma in Haitian culture. However, the Internet has created new challenges that is paralyzing Haiti’s youth; e.g., YouTube, Facebook, pornography, etc. This has made counseling very difficult.
The following testimony came from a young man whose entire family was involved in witchcraft.
“I come from a family of 11. I never heard of Jesus because my family was deep into everything relating to Satanism. I was the youngest of all my siblings. I had not become directly involved in any of the séances, though I was always present and it was understood that I would follow this. Then, one by one, I watched Satan claim the lives of my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, and one of my sisters. I’m not sure how I have been spared except that Jesus covered me under His grace. I was sent to this camp by a friend. The first night I heard the Gospel message, I struggled within myself. That night my counselor worked with me to help me understand the Gospel. I went forward at the next service to accept Jesus. My eyes are opened now and I have come out of the darkness. My greatest sadness is that my parents and grandparents had to die in order for me to hear the Gospel. I know they never would have allowed me to come to this camp or let me know about Jesus if they were still living.”
(In voodooism, family members are often forced to sell to Satan the souls of certain ones in the family, which was the case in this young man’s family. He has five remaining siblings, and he is praying they will come to Christ.)
“(I’m 19 years old.) A few years ago my parents separated. In retaliation to this, I decided to let myself go into anything and everything vile. I started living in fornication and in every thing that’s evil. I was invited by my neighbor to come to Camp Bossier. I accepted Jesus as my savior the second day I was there and as soon as I made that decision, I felt a change come over me. When I returned home, my girlfriend was begging me for sex, but I told her ‘no’ because I’m a different man now and I want to please God with my life.”
Total number of campers reached during the five weeks of camp was 546. There were 64 professions of faith, 50 assurances of salvation, and 110 consecrations and claiming victory over sinful practices. These young people struggle in the areas of fornication, alcohol, drugs, homosexuality, bitterness, bad movies, stealing, lying, pornography, masturbation, rebellion, and association with bad friends.
The week of August 13-17, Pastor Salomon will be in the Pignon/Charles area (up north) for another camp with 300 + children and young people. It’s been 13 years since MFH left that part of the North. There is a great need for evangelism in that area again. Last year there were 92 who professed Christ as Savior. We covet your prayers for this camp again this year! Also, Pastor Salomon is considering a one-night crusade on the 18th.
VBS, the soccer camp, and opening the Mont Flueri sewing school were a great blessing. There were 28 professions of faith in the VBS; and one young man who accepted Christ in soccer camp has already become super active in the church. Also, Hosanna’s 42nd Annual Bible Conference was blessed as Pastor Benny Matthews, a frequent speaker with The Voice of the Martyrs, shared in two evening services the testimonies from courageous believers. There were four who accepted Christ as Savior and five who renewed their faith. PTL!!
With thanks and gratitude to God for you,
Tom and Sarah Bennett