August Prayer Letter
Only Age 17 and Already a Practicing Witch Doctor
The only son among 16 siblings, this young 17-year-old was earmarked since infancy by his witch doctor father to follow in his footsteps. The father tied a red handkerchief around his young son’s arm to be worn until he was old enough to be inducted into the practice. (For private reasons, we will refer to this young man as “Junior” in order to protect his identity.)
The fifth week of Camp Bossier was designated this year as a week for unsaved young people. Each counselor was asked to invite at least two or more unsaved campers. Junior lives in the neighborhood of one of the counselors; so he was invited, but he didn’t show any interest in coming. Only by the counselor’s persistence was Junior brought to the camp. Once he arrived and became involved in the activities and attended the services, he began to struggle under conviction to accept Christ as Savior. He shared with a couple of guys in his cabin that he felt the evil spirits holding him and pulling him down to keep him from going forward. These two buddies decided they would help by coming along side of him and walking forward with him. This they did. He came forward and accepted Christ!
As Pastor Salomon shared with me about Junior, I realized how serious a situation this young man is in. Though only 17, he has even been through the initiation ceremony that is supposed to secure his soul with Satan and make him invincible. He has been involved in all kinds of satanic activities, prevented him from regularly attending school and advancing educationally. Satan has enslaved him! Co-laborers, the reason I’m sharing this with you is because Junior needs a lot of prayer. He truly wants to be delivered from Satan, but this victory will come with much difficulty since all his family is involved with Satan as well. He needs so much prayer!! I know many of you are prayer warriors – and I thank you in advance for praying!! Pastor Salomon is keeping in close contact with Junior.
Testimonies from Campers
“I came to this camp to have a good time and flirt with the girls. But God in heaven knew what He was doing. He made me come and hear the Word, and it has changed my life. I feel like I am completely changed now.”
“After this week of camp, I have made a decision to follow Jesus in every circumstance. I am a young lady and was living badly for the flesh. I knew I was doing what God disapproves of. Coming to this camp has shown me that I was on the wrong path. But now things have changed. I thank God that my life has been transformed.”
“This week at camp has changed my life. I have accepted Christ as my Savior. He has made me know how to live my life. Please pray for me that I will stay faithful for Him.”
We are so grateful to all of you who helped support campers this summer. Because of inflation, one cup of rice that used to sell for 100 goudes is now selling for 170 goudes. Feeding 500 campers this summer would have been impossible without the camp scholarships! Thank you so much for your help. God blessed with 55 professions of faith, and over 75 other decisions.
Pastor Salomon plans a final camp in the North (Pignon/Charles) for teens and for young married couples from August 19 – 24. Salomon sees a profound need for discipling these teens, and for counseling young couples. We count on your prayers as the driving force of this ministry. We thank God for each of you!!
With gratitude in our heart to God for you,
Tom and Sarah Bennett