Fall 2019 Newsletter
Perilous Times
Schools are still closed; most businesses and banks are closed; barricades are in the streets; there is high inflation and scarcity of food in markets because of inaccessibility. Demonstrations continue with sporadic violence! Hospitals and health clinics are understaffed because staff cannot get to work. Gas stations have limited hours and limited gas – $8.50 gallon and $12-$14 on the black market. Electricity is sporadic. Activities are paralyzed. Many have died. Prayers are still desperately needed!
How to Deal with All of This?
Since schools have not opened, the money parents normally pay when school opens won’t stay tucked away for long when there’s no food in the house, tummies are empty, and tears are falling. MFH and Hosanna are facing a difficult situation. When/if school opens and parents don’t have the money they saved for school because of hunger in the home, we are asking ourselves how to deal with all of this?
Normally, we promote a “Helping Hand Scholarships” – and this is STILL a huge need because of those whose finances won’t permit their children to return to school.
However, we see another problem approaching very soon – the problem of “hunger.”
Therefore, we are starting a fund for families who are sincerely suffering from extreme “Hunger.” This fund will simply be called the “Hunger Fund” and it will be carefully managed for those who have severe hunger. As you prayerfully consider these challenges, may the Lord direct your heart as to your burden.
“He will bring justice to the poor of the people; He will save the children of the needy, and break in pieces the oppressor.” Psalm 72:4
Pastor Salomon’s New Youth Club – AJEBBA
Thirty-Eight young people (most of them new converts from Camp Bossier) have started meeting every Sunday afternoon at Bethany Baptist Church for this newly formed club, AJEBBA. Since roads are blocked and gas is rare, these young people walk from a distance away. Their mission: The goal is to provide quality activities for young people to develop and channel lives spiritually, socially, educationally, financially, and familial. Their goal: How to stay on the path of purity by living according to God’s Word in Psalm 119:9. Their motto: Be the light that shines in the darkness and go out victoriously.
We praise God for the birth of this youth group in the midst of their country’s darkness. The Gospel’s Hope has energized them! Several in this group come from a neighborhood who previously wanted nothing to do with church. As a result of Camp Bossier, a few of these young people attended the camp last year and accepted Christ as Savior. Since then they have become the “electricity” in their neighborhood. PTL!
CFO – Preaches an Open-Air Service
Discouragement, frustration, and great concerns over his country’s political situation led Josue Laguerre to reach out to the small community in which he lives in a spiritual way – an open-air evangelistic service. Josue, his wife, and three friends walked the neighborhood for four hours inviting all to a two-night open-air service to be held in his large front yard. The response was amazing! God blessed with over 100 in attendance, 13 professions of faith, and 4 rededication decisions! These difficult days have turned troubled hearts Godward. We praise Him for how He brings good out of evil!
Pastors Motivated to Four Days of Prayer and Fasting
Pastor Rejouis used Hosanna Radio to motivate pastors in the surrounding areas to four days of prayer and fasting for Haiti. Twenty-seven pastors congregated in a local assembly on Wednesday, October 23, for a day of singing, preaching and praying. Then from Thursday through Saturday, these same pastors invited their congregations to attend the prayer services at this same local assembly each day from 7 a.m. – 12 noon. Their theme was II Chronicles 7:14 “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” Many attended and earnestly sought healing for their land!
“It doesn’t matter, because I’m going to be a chief in Hell”
These words were spoken from the mouth of 70-year-old André Légalité over 30 years ago, when warned by his cousin that he would go to Hell if he didn’t come to Christ for salvation. He was deeply involved in satanic worship! Then one day the Spirit of God got hold of him with crushing conviction about his final destination. Completely broken, André came to Christ and has never been the same since. He is so absolutely bold and fearless in his witness. He walks straight into the faces of gangs who are armed and tells them that he HAS to warn them! He speaks of himself as the watchman in Ezekiel 33:6 and as one who he has been to Hell and back. His fearlessness shocks and intimidates his listeners! He has brought hundreds to Christ. He now resides in Jacmel and makes regular trips on foot (45 miles) into Port-au-Prince, witnessing all along the way. I (Sarah) had the blessed privilege of visiting this saint in his little one-room home in the center of his garden during my recent trip. His entire person radiates Christ in the humblest way. Frankly, I have never encountered anyone like Mr. Légalité!!
In Loving Memory
Dr. Ken Hay, Greenville, SC
Mrs. Flora Jean Garlock, Destin, Florida
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy.”
Philippians 1:3-4
We are powered by your prayers and enabled by your gifts! Thank you!
Tom, Sarah, and Pastor Dieupie