Fall 2020 Newsletter
Passing the Baton
Getting Acquainted with our God-Appointed Team

Dieupie Chérubin
Pastor of Hosanna Baptist Church and Founder of the Theological Seminary of Haiti
“Lifting up a standard” (Isaiah 59:19b)
Pastor Dieupie accepted Christ as Savior at age 10, rededicated himself at age 16, and was mentored by Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries. His theological training began in Haiti and later continued at Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina, under a “Timothy” scholarship. He completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in four years and returned to Haiti in 2001. Upon returning, he assumed the responsibilities as pastor of Hosanna Baptist Church and administrator of Hosanna Elementary School. In 2006, he invited Mission for Haiti to partner with him in Hosanna Ministries. God gave blessing and growth to include a Christian high school, a four-year Theological Bible Seminary (SBTH), a radio station, and a camp on a five-acre ocean site. Pastor Dieupie’s strong leadership has guided the ministry through multiple disasters: the 2010 earthquake, the cholera outbreak, Hurricane Matthew, and numerous political tragedies.
Then God expanded Pastor Dieupie’s ministry in an amazing direction to include his becoming a senator of the Southeast of Haiti. In the providence of God, this position proved to be a tremendous testimony of integrity and an opportunity of living the Gospel message before those who otherwise would never see the power of God displayed in the political arena. He served four years in the Haitian Parliament and has now returned to his full-time involvement in all the ministries of Hosanna. God has used and continues to use Pastor Dieupie in a powerful way to “lift up a standard” against the enemy. (Isaiah 59:19b)

Josué Laguerre
CFO and Administrator – A watchman for Hosanna
“I have made you a watchman” (Ezekiel 3:17a)
Josue crossed our path following his graduation from the University of Notre Dame d’Haiti. Upon his graduation, the university hired him as their financial/administrative manager and to teach an accounting class on the side. Then came the 2010 earthquake and the university was shut down for a season. During this time, many NGOs moved into Haiti, and Josue was hired as senior accountant for Save the Children. As soon as the university started up again, they asked Josue to return and they sent him to France for six months to study administrative management. Following his return and still employed by the university, he was asked by Save the Children to return to them. Thus he worked two full-time jobs for over two years! His amazing ability to multitask caught our attention, and particularly so as he even found time to advise Hosanna on our finances! Consequently, God moved in our hearts to hire him as CFO/administrator for MFH/Hosanna, since Pastor Dieupie had entered the Parliament. All glory to God, Josue has kept the ministry running in the most efficient way! He is a marvel to the ministry.
Two years ago, Josue became very seriously ill, lying close to death in the hospital. Realizing that we were about to lose him, we medevacked him to Cuba. After five weeks of different antibiotics every five days, blood transfusions, and daily shots to increase his white blood count, God restored Josue’s health miraculously!! God gave him back to us and fulfilled His word to make Josue God’s watchman for Hosanna!!
What else is going on in Haiti?
Covid-19 is basically flat now, Praise God! However, corruption, inflation, and hunger continue. We covet your prayers for the needs in our beloved Haiti. School scholarships are needed for poor families.
“’For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,’ says the Lord.” Psalm 5:12b

Salomon Cadet
Pastor – Director of Camp Bossier – Seminary Professor
>God used Psalm 78:7 in Pastor Salomon’s heart to confirm his passion to work with young people and rescue them from Satan’s grip of voodoo and witchcraft. Although Salomon grew up in a Catholic family that practiced witchcraft and participated in voodoo ceremonies led by his grandparents, he and his siblings were not forbidden to visit Gospel-preaching services in the village. God used this to allow him to hear the Gospel message numerous times. One by one, he and his five siblings and his mother accepted Christ as Savior.
As Salomon grew in the Lord, he was sent to Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince for his BS degree, and he later earned an MA degree in counseling from Indiana Wesleyan University through their satellite program. Following his BS degree, we recognized God’s direction to use him in the camping ministry. Dr. Ken Hay of The Wilds Camp and Conference Center, Brevard, North Carolina, arranged for Salomon to come to the States for training at The Wilds and prepared him for the camping ministry as part of their newly formed CampsAbroad division for camps around the world. God’s marvelous hand has been on the camp and on Pastor Salomon. Over the past ten years, more than 4500 young people have attended camp, over 1650 spiritual decisions have been made for Christ, and hundreds of conferences have been conducted there. God continues to use Pastor Salomon’s love for young people to draw them and teach them to “set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” (Psalm 78:7)

Jean Toussaint
Pastor, Seminary Vice-Academic Dean
Pastor Jean came to us in the providence of God! Having been raised in Catholicism/voodooism, he found Christ as Savior at age 13. Through God’s grace, he began attending a Baptist church, where he was baptized and his spiritual growth increased dramatically. He preached his first sermon at age 17. When he graduated from high school, the leadership in his church made a way for him to begin pastoral training at the Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince, where he gained a full scholarship. Then the earthquake happened in his junior year (2010) and the school was forced to close. One month later, he and a few other students chosen by the dean of students received a full scholarship from Mr. Leo Wells of Wells Fargo Bank to continue their studies at Carver College, Atlanta, Georgia.
When Jean graduated, a friend invited him to North Carolina, where he found a job earning $14 an hour. Although delighted with the income, Jean stated, “It made me too comfortable and I forgot my first objective of being in the U.S., which was to study and go back to serve the Lord in Haiti. So the Lord sent hardships to remind me of my divine appointment.” God then led him to Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in 2015, where he enrolled in Piedmont International University to pursue a master’s degree in biblical studies. Upon his graduation in 2018, he returned to Haiti and began teaching at our Theological Bible Seminary of Haiti (SBTH).
Shortly thereafter, Pastor Dieupie resigned from the Parliament and realized Jean was just the man to lead SBTH’s much-needed revitalization. Thus began the “Toussaint Transformation,” which involved a new student manual, a professor’s syllabus, a curriculum for women, an academic calendar, an alumni association, the beginning of a work/study initiative, a bookstore, and a new library. We praise praise God for providentially bringing Pastor Jean to Hosanna – “for such a time as this”!! (Esther 4:14b)

Rejouis Jean-Maxis
Pastor of Hananeel Evangelistic Baptist Church and School Administrator
Rejouis Jean-Maxis became God’s choice to shine the light of the Gospel in Mont-Fleuri! Two months after the earthquake, community leaders from Mont-Fleuri visited Pastor Dieupie to plead, “We have two Satanic temples, but we have no Gospel church and no school.” Canvassing was done and the need was recognized.
Prior to this, Rejouis had completed a degree in economics at a state university in Port-au-Prince and had accepted a position with the Spanish Red Cross as an administrative accountant. Then came the 2010 earthquake! His job involved staying in a hotel during weeknights, and the earthquake caught him on the third floor of this hotel. As the building was collapsing all around him and people were plunging to their deaths, he closed his eyes and kept repeating, “Jesus, save me!!” And Jesus DID! Rejouis escaped completely unharmed! He immediately recognized that God had saved him for a purpose, and he knew in his heart that purpose was to preach the Gospel.
Following the earthquake, Rejouis returned to Jacmel and enrolled in our Theological Bible Seminary of Haiti (SBTH). While attending SBTH, he was asked by Pastor Dieupie to be the pastor of the Mont-Fleuri church because of his zeal for pastoring. His compassionate heart has motivated him to reach into this spiritually dark community to meet physical as well as spiritual needs. He has several strong visitation groups, a “special helps” group of women for women, and an AWANA children’s Bible club. In addition, there are two nurses who make house calls to take blood pressure and answer medical questions. The church’s sewing school made over 3000 face masks to distribute to every person in the community. Pastor Rejouis publishes a quarterly village bulletin and has a quarterly community meeting with the locals. He directs soccer camps and vacation Bible schools. Hananeel Baptist Church has an average attendance between 130-160, and its school has 120 students. We praise God for saving and appointing Pastor Rejouis to be the “Gospel light that shines in the darkness of Mont-Fleuri!” (John 1:5a)
We are powered by your prayers and enabled by your gifts. God’s blessings and our thanks to you!
Tom, Sarah, and the Team