"Taking root downward, Bearing fruit upward"

March 2025
Posted on March 1st, 2025

Dear Co-Laborer,

It is with deep gratitude to God for you that Tom and I thank you for your faithful support all these years. The Lord has used your loyalty to MFH to grow the ministry and bring souls into the Kingdom.  We thank you for staying at our side as a co-laborer in this vital ministry to a nation torn with violence and cruelty. Our hearts remain extremely heavy with sorrow for our beloved Haiti. We can hardly believe the things that are happening! It takes our breath! Recently armed men ripped a two-year-child from his mother’s arms and threw him into a fire. Two days later the mother died from the shock. We ask ourselves, “How can this be happening when some years ago my parents along with other missionaries were evangelizing Haiti so beautifully?” Please pray with us that God would RESCUE Haiti!!

We continue to praise God that Jacmel is safe. However, there are rumors that the gangs are wanting new territories. They have a new slogan, “Let’s unite to do more evil.” While there have always been many different gangs who fight each other; now they have decided that they can accomplish more by uniting. (I find it personally painful to even write these words to you.) But I MUST write so you can help us PRAY!!

If You Can – Please Help Us

Camp Bossier by the Sea is now 13 years old. We praise God for literally hundreds and hundreds of young people whose lives have been changed through the work of the Holy Spirit by faith in Jesus Christ. They have left Satan’s camp and become new creatures in Christ – Praise God! Although the spiritual results have been tremendous, the cost to operate a camp by the ocean has been incredible. We’ve already replaced all the roofing three times, replaced two generators, and replaced the metal doors on most of the buildings. The huge metal gate at the entrance of the camp has totally rusted out. Everything metal in the camp has been replaced at least once or more. And, of course, replacing the foam mattresses from time to time is also necessary. Since summer isn’t far away, we must consider the funds it will take to care for these needs as soon as possible. Please pray – Please help.  According to statistics, 52% of Haiti’s population in under the age of 26, and 31% are under the age of 14. The work with the youth of Haiti being done at Camp Bossier is unquestionably the most important work MFH does. We continue to Praise God for Dr. Ken Hay from The Wilds Camp who helped us get this camp started. PTL!


Again, we wish to voice our gratitude to you for co-laboring with us all these years, and having such an effective part in the work God has allowed MFH to do in Haiti since its inception in 1947.  


With Thanks to God for You,


Tom and Sarah Bennett

Mission for Haiti

November 2024
Posted on November 6th, 2024

Dear Co-Laborers,


Another month has rolled by, and God’s marvelous faithfulness through YOU continues to sustain the ministry. Your amazing loyalty to the saints and your prayers for Haiti are such blessings!

Our hearts break because of the continued gang violence in Port-au-Prince — wreaking havoc!!  The Kenyan troops in Haiti are still unable to counterattack the bandits who rule the PaP areas. In addition, a conflict has erupted between the government and the members of the Transitional Presidential Council for  control of power. This is proof that Haitian leaders are prioritizing their own interests to the detriment of those of the people. However, we praise God that the southeastern region is still calm, although the disruption to the movement of goods and services has led to an exaggerated increase in the price of basic needs. We covet your prayers for Haiti, and for the souls of men, women, and children!!


All Hosanna schools, kindergarten through high school, began classes the first of October. Overall enrollment is over 950.  Over 40 students came to us from Port-au-Prince areas controlled by gangs and are in desperate need of scholarship help. (Please consider some help for our Helping Hands Fund.)  Families are fleeing Port-au-Prince because of the gangs and are coming to Jacmel because it is a big city and they are seeking education and work opportunities. However, the main reason is because of Pastor Dieupie. Prior to becoming a Senator, he taught Greek and counseling at two large seminaries in Port-au-Prince. Many of his former students and their families have been forced to flee for their lives, and they seek out Pastor D in hopes of receiving some kind of assistance. The needs are many!! Please continue your prayers for Haiti!!


As for the Bible Seminary,  God gave us 23 new freshmen this year. Please pray for the parents of vice-Academic Dean Toussaint. They are living about five hours from Jacmel in an area under the threat of gangs wanting to take control and causing people to scatter in many directions. Please continue your prayers for this humanitarian crisis!!      

Again, we can never stop thanking the Lord, and thanking you, for your faithfulness to Haiti! The ministry is doing very well. However, the gangs have prohibited us from being able to travel there for nearly two years – which is very discouraging! Because of the insecurities, Missionary Aviation Fellowship was forced to leave the country, thus blocking our transportation from PaP to Jacmel. (MAF will be returning in 2025.) Graciously, God has blessed the ministry with tremendous Haitian leadership, for which we are so grateful!! Every part of the ministry is growing. God has protected Jacmel from the gangs, and we covet your prayers for this continued protection.


Please always know that we are forever grateful to God that you have stood with us so faithfully!



With praise and thanks to God for you,Dear Co-Laborers,


Tom and Sarah Bennett

Summer 2024 Newsletter
Posted on August 13th, 2024

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10: 10


There’s always a good reason for gratitude despite trials of all kinds we may face. Jesus promised abundant life, and we indeed have it to the fullest.

Overall situation in Hosanna Ministry

We came to the end of the school year in June. We felt relieved as we reached the journey’s end though nothing politically could guarantee a happy ending. We started classes with 895 students from kindergarten to high school; however, some of them (around 20) left the country as they were beneficiaries of the humanitarian parole program offered by the USA. The Bible seminary closed well with good results from our students. The radio is still operating 24/7 with all kinds of podcasts and preachings.

We faced all types of challenges: parents not being able to pay tuition, remaining debt, no food distribution by WFP to feed the students due to transportation problems, shortages of fuel plus other primary needs, high inflation rate causing excessive cost of living, massive displacement of residents of certain areas fleeing the atrocities of bandits. It has been a very tough year!! However, the Lord heard our cry concerning our food situation, and provided some relief from Operation Renewed Hope and Sea Hope who sent us oil, rice and beans.

Bible Conference 

Hosanna Evangelical Baptist Church had its 49th annual Bible Conference. The theme was: “A conscience awakened for a new beginning” from the life of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:17. A full week of praises, worship to God, and preaching of God’s Word by several pastors on related topics, and ended with the baptism of … people. The people showed enthusiasm and willingness to listen to God’s word. Several people came to faith in Christ. We enjoyed having fellowship with our sisters and brothers from our sister churches, and the representatives of several public and private institutions.

Camp Bossier by the SEA

Summer camp was not held last year due to several building repairs. We praise God for all the work that has been done at the beginning of 2024 to prepare the camp for the summer season. We are having three weeks of camp. Two weeks have been realized so far under the leadership of the camp director, Pastor Toussaint, who is doing an amazing job with his staff. Fifty-six  decisions for Christ have been made so far by campers who were thirsty to be at the camp this summer. Summer camp at Camp Bossier is a true blessing for the community, for the teens, and for the youth who enjoy singing, preaching, playing games, and eating good food during the camp. Our team is so delighted to offer them an Eternal alternative to hearing God’s Word and making the decision to follow Christ and His teachings. We covet your prayers for these young people as we know they will be challenged by diverse temptations. 


Some Politics

Hope is almost banished in our beloved homeland. The gangs who kill, torture, harass, and mistreat the population as they gain more territories. Their last trophies are two cities Ganthier and Gressier which is 62.8 km from Jacmel. Four Hundred Kenyan troops are on the ground but are doing nothing. They are complaining about a lack of appropriate materials to face the gangs who are heavily armed. The new Prime Minister recently mandated to establish a more secure atmosphere, and organize general elections by the end of 2025 with the help of the UN.  At the same time he is complaining about the delay in all the promises being made to Haiti. However, the political, economic, and social situation of the country is worsening. More than 180,000 Haitians left Haiti in less than one year (from January to date) for the United States. It is sad to see that the most qualified individuals, doctors, nurses, engineers, lawyers, teachers, and other professionals are leaving Haiti due to insecurity. They don’t know what the future will hold where they are going, but prefer fleeing death. A recent statement from the government said that around 10,000 public workers fled the country. Things are very hard here. We need people like Nehemiah to rise and build the country, offer hope, and create opportunities for the next generations. Our only hope is in the Lord!!

Our thanks to you

We thank you, our sisters and brothers, for your commitment to continuously pray and support our ministry in Haiti. You are making a difference in people’s lives through your support for the radio ministry, the Bible Seminary, the camp, and much more. We are so grateful to have you as co-laborers with you in the Lord’s field. Our deep thanks goes out to each one of you! 

Challenges for the upcoming days and months

We are working on the opening of the next school year which will not be in September as usual but on October 1st, according to the government. Families who have previously lived in very troubled areas infested with gangs have moved to our area, and wish to enroll in our school. These families are very poor families, and will require financial aid. Please remember our “Helping Hands” program that will assist us in helping them. Please, we are asking for much prayer in these difficult days, as we are praying and thanking the Lord for you who have been so faithful in supporting this ministry!! 

Our Prayers for God’s Blessings on each of you, our Co-Laborers.

Pastor Cherubin, Josue Laguerre, and Hosanna Staff


Prayer letter April 2024
Posted on April 1st, 2024

April 2024


“Blessed is he who considers the poor,

The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble . . . and he will be blessed . . ..”

(Psalm 41:1,2b)

Dear Prayer Warrior,

We’re quite sure you have heard the news about the worsening situation in Haiti. As we have already shared, gang violence continues and has escalated throughout Port-au-Prince ever since the assassination of the president in 2021. Recently gangsters attacked the nation’s largest prison (the national penitentiary) and released over 3800 inmates. The prime minister, who is widely criticized by all for his corruption and his part in the present situation, has finally resigned. Presently, Haiti’s crisis is at a tipping point. Intense hunger has increasedThe health care disaster and the educational system have worsened. We have just learned that large portions of Port-au-Prince are without electricity because of the gangs. Evacuation of approximately 1000 Americans is underway presently. Haiti needs so, so much prayer! We have no idea what’s going to happen next.

 However, we praise God that His work goes on in churches outside of Port-au-Prince and away from the gangs. Many churches are packed out. The Hosanna Baptist Church structure that was built to hold 1500+ regularly overflows, and chairs from classrooms have to be brought in for services. Recently, 11 individuals were baptized and another 13 joined the church by affiliation. Sadly, however, many churches in the Port-au-Prince area are closed because the gangs who rule these areas attack the churches and kidnap believers.

 WE PRAISE GOD once again that Jacmel has remained safe and that Hosanna Radio is still going strong. As we shared earlier, the roofing for Camp Bossier’s multipurpose building is finally complete. PTL AGAIN! When we realized that a roofing team from the U.S. was not possible   because of Haiti’s political instability and insecurity, a Haitian contractor was hired – and the job is done! The buildings are now ready to host campers for the 2024 summer camp, for which the young people have been begging. But there is one BIG concern. With so much hunger, and the price of food being so high, we’re wondering how we will be able to feed the campers. Our need for sponsors is greater than ever before. Dear co-laborers, please pray as to whether the Lord would have you help with this BIG need. Thank you so much!

We are so grateful for your faithfulness to this ministry. It’s a huge blessing to us!  We so deeply appreciate all those who have co-labored with us for many years – and some who have even co-labored since our parent’s days. Your prayers and gifts have helped to sustain many areas of this ministry, and eternal blessings will be yours. Thank you from the bottom of our heart!

With many thanks to God for you,

Tom and Sarah Bennett

Newsletter March 2024
Posted on March 6th, 2024

Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”

(Psalm 124:8)

Baptism at Hosanna Baptist Church

Sunday February 25, 2024, Pastor Dieupie and the Hosanna Baptist Church testified the baptism of eleven (11) people. It was a moment of celebration and praise to the Lord for these people who have declared to our fellowship that they are God’s servants publicly. Thirteen (13) people joined the church by affiliation. Sunday March 3, 2024, twenty-four people were received as Hosanna Baptist church new members.

Every Sunday crowds of people come to church to encourage one another. However, so many churches are closed in Port-au-Prince because gangsters who have been terrorizing the population rule some areas.

School is back

We praise God for the opportunity to have the children back to school after 3 weeks of disruption due to violent popular protests demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister, and his government. Our children in Jacmel and the Southeast are fortunate to go to school because schools in so many areas are closed for a while. Please pray for quick solutions in Haiti as we know without legitimate authorities the country will always keep facing one crisis after another.

Roofing over buildings at Camp Bossier by the sea

After it became impossible to bring a construction team to Haiti in 2023 because of political instability and insecurity, we ultimately decided to hire Haitian contractors to put the new roofing on the multipurpose building, and girl’s cabins at the Camp. The buildings are ready to host campers for this summer camp 2024.

This is a huge blessing for young people who will enjoy camp this year as we could not have camp last summer despite all the demands from campers. Our camp team led by Pastor Toussaint, is already at work for the upcoming summer activities.

Gangs invaded more territories

The situation is chaotic in Haiti. The gangs are gaining more territories while the government is doing nothing to fight against them. From January 2023 to February 2024, human rights organizations state that over 3000 people have been killed in Haiti. A group of gangs launched an attack against the police station of Bon Repos and killed four (4) police officers on February 29. On the same day, gangsters attacked schools and universities taking students hostage. Many families had to flee their homes. Just last week the airport had to cancel all incoming and outgoing flights because gunshots were fired and three (3) planes were hit. An airline employee, and a police officer got hurt in this attack. The Haitian government seems not to understand how painful it is for the population who can’t breathe anymore.

The Haitian Prime Minister who is widely criticized had promised to hand over power to elected officials on February 7, 2024. Now he has declared that he intends to hold elections in August 2025. This announcement has unleashed a wave of harsh criticism against him whom they consider to be the population’s number one enemy presently.

In addition, On March 1st, gangsters attacked the nation’s largest prison, the national penitentiary, which held over 3800 inmates. There are only one hundred (100) men left after this attack which means many dangerous criminals are free and will continue terrorizing the population.

Big impact on our ministry and the population

The last day we were able to feed our school children was October 31st, 2023. Our food provider (WFP) is unable to bring food to our site. Food has become so expensive that we can no longer afford to give the school children a warm lunch.

The gangs now have control of almost 80% of Port-au-Prince. They confiscate food and supplies that are shipped into the country, drastically limiting what reaches the public. This tragedy also includes gas and medical supplies, contributing to much sickness and even death.

Our deep thanks and gratitude to our co-laborers

We are so very grateful for your commitment to pray and support our ministry in Haiti. With your support and prayer, we are able to reach many more than what we could reach with our very narrow resources. Please continue your prayers for Haiti as the country is facing very critical moment at this time!


Summer 2021 Newsletter
Posted on May 3rd, 2021

Come and Meet Our Haitian Board of Directors

Saturday, June 5, 2:30 PM Morningside Baptist Church, 1115 Pelham Road, Greenville, SC

On June 5, Mission for Haiti will be hosting a “get acquainted luncheon” with our five Haitian Board Members: Pastor Dieupie Cherubin, Josuѐ Laguerre, Pastor Jean Toussaint, Pastor Salomon Cadet, and Pastor Rejouis Jean-Maxis. You will be blessed to hear these men’s testimonies and get acquainted with them. Each one presents a different viewpoint of his branch of ministry. We sincerely praise God for His divine appointment of these men.

We welcome as many of you as can attend. However, we will need a head count in order to know how much food to prepare.

Please call or text us at (864) 631-2233 by Monday, May 31, with the number of individuals who plan to attend.

Blessings From Our Recent Trip

Our first blessing came as a result of hearing the testimony of Jean Marc Com-pere, a recently converted witch-doctor from the Mont Fleuri community. In all our years of hearing such testimonies, we have never encountered one who has cut his ties with the voodoo world as drastically as this man. He destroyed not only all his fetishes but also the money he had earned, and everything else asso-ciated with his craft. He testified to the peace he now feels and the light he now ex-periences from not living in the darkness of satanic lies and obscenity. In the one month following his conversion, his testimony has already resulted in his next-door neighbor coming to Christ on the Sunday we were there. Jean Marc’s conversion will have a rippling effect in the community as former “clients” and other witch-doctors witness the changes in his life. During our visit with him, he made this statement: “During my many years in this lifestyle, I was frequently aware of God’s spirit calling to me.” Our visit with Jean Marc lasted over an hour, and it was glorious! We left his house with a song of praise to our Savior in our hearts!!

“I will sing to You among the nations, for Your mercy reaches unto the Heavens.”
Psalm 57:10

Our second blessing was to witness the 34 adults who had been baptized in February as they came forward to receive their baptismal certificates along with the right hand of fellowship for membership into the body of believers of Hosanna Baptist Church. Praise the Lord!

Our third blessing came through Mrs. Andrea Pisarcik, one of our Board members, as she hosted her ninth ladies’ retreat at Camp Bossier by the Sea. Her theme was transformation, using the example of the caterpillar and the butterfly. Andrea and her co-speakers, Dr. Yolle Guirda Pierre (Christian Psycholo-gist) and Dr. Daphnee Charleus (Internist), covered topics that were a big blessing to the ladies. Our cabins sleep only 100, and the remaining 75+ ladies bedded down on the cement floor in our all-purpose building, enjoying the fellowship of one another!

Our final blessing began on the Monday prior to Easter, and ended on Easter Sun-day. Hosanna Baptist Church always has a week of revival services leading up to Easter Sunday. The Holy Spirit was doing a work each night and brought 13 souls to the Savior. Then on Easter Sun-day, following the preaching and the Lord’s Supper, Pastor Dieupie felt the Spirit of God pushing him for another altar call. So as the congregation began singing again, person after person walked down the aisle, until seven individuals had come forward to re-ceive Christ as Savior!! Hallelujah!! What a glorious and perfect ending to a week of Easter revival!!

Please Pray With Us

We have not mentioned the social, political, and economic situations in Haiti, but the prob-lems and demonstrations continue to exist!! The most
severe problems are in Port-au-Prince; and we praise the Lord that Jacmel remains basically quiet. We continue to ask believers to pray, because God is the only one who can alleviate the suffering. Our prayer is always that God will use these traumas to bring about a national revival!

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making re-quest for you all with joy.”
Philippians 1:3-4

We are powered by your prayers and enabled by your gifts, Thank you!

Tom, Sarah, and the Haitian Board of Directors

Christmas 2020 Newsletter
Posted on December 28th, 2020

Passing the Baton Requires Intercessors, Co-Laborers, Supply Line

When the baton was passed 24 years ago from our parents to us, our first plea to the Lord was that the intercessors, the co-laborers, and the supply line would continue for the sake of the Lord and the ministry. That prayer was answered in so many wonderful ways. The Lord especially motivated our prayer warriors! Still others felt the call to participate in construction teams, medical clinics, educational seminars, and our camp ministry. Others were moved to continue their help financially. These teams and individuals were the seal of God’s calling us to follow in our parents’ footsteps and serve Him in Haiti – for which we give glory and praise to the Lord!!

All of the above are keen reminders of God’s faithfulness in the past, and we covet your prayers that this support will continue.

May the Lord’s blessings be upon each of you as you remain faithful to this pioneer work that began in 1947.

Dave Smith

Introducing Dr. Dave Smith: Director of Open Door Baptist Mission

Dr. Smith had the privilege of growing up in Papua New Guinea as an MK (missionary kid) from the age of three. He trusted Christ as Savior when he was five and became very active in his teenage years teaching Bible to the village children. In his adult life, he and his wife returned to Papua New Guinea to serve as missionaries in the remote tribal area of Simbai. In 2010, God led their family to return to the United States. Two years later, Dr. Smith become the Director of ODBM.

Open Door Baptist Mission
1115 Pelham Road
Greenville, SC 29615-3641

Please Note Some Important Facts

  • In order for this process to go smoothly, we need a little help from each of you. We request that you share your email address with us ([email protected]) before the end of the year. Under our new system, you will hear from one of our team members thanking you for your gift and giving you an update from the ministry. If you don’t have email, please drop us a line and future contact will be made by mail.
  • Your check needs to be written to ODBM. Since the mission handles the finances of about 50 missionaries, you must specify your gift is for Mission for Haiti. The designations you have made in the past are all transferred from our old system to the new system and your gift will continue to be applied as before.
  • Also, those of you who give through PayPal may continue to do so. You can go to our website and specify that your gift is for MFH. The site is updated for ODBM.
  • We have posted our Passing the Baton video on our website for your viewing on missionforhaiti.org

Fall 2020 Newsletter
Posted on November 23rd, 2020

Passing the Baton

Getting Acquainted with our God-Appointed Team

Dieupie Chérubin

Dieupie Chérubin

Pastor of Hosanna Baptist Church and Founder of the Theological Seminary of Haiti
“Lifting up a standard” (Isaiah 59:19b)

Pastor Dieupie accepted Christ as Savior at age 10, rededicated himself at age 16, and was mentored by Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries. His theological training began in Haiti and later continued at Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina, under a “Timothy” scholarship. He completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in four years and returned to Haiti in 2001. Upon returning, he assumed the responsibilities as pastor of Hosanna Baptist Church and administrator of Hosanna Elementary School. In 2006, he invited Mission for Haiti to partner with him in Hosanna Ministries. God gave blessing and growth to include a Christian high school, a four-year Theological Bible Seminary (SBTH), a radio station, and a camp on a five-acre ocean site. Pastor Dieupie’s strong leadership has guided the ministry through multiple disasters: the 2010 earthquake, the cholera outbreak, Hurricane Matthew, and numerous political tragedies.

Then God expanded Pastor Dieupie’s ministry in an amazing direction to include his becoming a senator of the Southeast of Haiti. In the providence of God, this position proved to be a tremendous testimony of integrity and an opportunity of living the Gospel message before those who otherwise would never see the power of God displayed in the political arena. He served four years in the Haitian Parliament and has now returned to his full-time involvement in all the ministries of Hosanna. God has used and continues to use Pastor Dieupie in a powerful way to “lift up a standard” against the enemy. (Isaiah 59:19b)

Josué Laguerre

Josué Laguerre

CFO and Administrator – A watchman for Hosanna
“I have made you a watchman” (Ezekiel 3:17a)

Josue crossed our path following his graduation from the University of Notre Dame d’Haiti. Upon his graduation, the university hired him as their financial/administrative manager and to teach an accounting class on the side. Then came the 2010 earthquake and the university was shut down for a season. During this time, many NGOs moved into Haiti, and Josue was hired as senior accountant for Save the Children. As soon as the university started up again, they asked Josue to return and they sent him to France for six months to study administrative management. Following his return and still employed by the university, he was asked by Save the Children to return to them. Thus he worked two full-time jobs for over two years! His amazing ability to multitask caught our attention, and particularly so as he even found time to advise Hosanna on our finances! Consequently, God moved in our hearts to hire him as CFO/administrator for MFH/Hosanna, since Pastor Dieupie had entered the Parliament. All glory to God, Josue has kept the ministry running in the most efficient way! He is a marvel to the ministry.

Two years ago, Josue became very seriously ill, lying close to death in the hospital. Realizing that we were about to lose him, we medevacked him to Cuba. After five weeks of different antibiotics every five days, blood transfusions, and daily shots to increase his white blood count, God restored Josue’s health miraculously!! God gave him back to us and fulfilled His word to make Josue God’s watchman for Hosanna!!

What else is going on in Haiti?

Covid-19 is basically flat now, Praise God! However, corruption, inflation, and hunger continue. We covet your prayers for the needs in our beloved Haiti. School scholarships are needed for poor families.

“’For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,’ says the Lord.” Psalm 5:12b

Salomon Cadet

Salomon Cadet

Pastor – Director of Camp Bossier – Seminary Professor

>God used Psalm 78:7 in Pastor Salomon’s heart to confirm his passion to work with young people and rescue them from Satan’s grip of voodoo and witchcraft. Although Salomon grew up in a Catholic family that practiced witchcraft and participated in voodoo ceremonies led by his grandparents, he and his siblings were not forbidden to visit Gospel-preaching services in the village. God used this to allow him to hear the Gospel message numerous times. One by one, he and his five siblings and his mother accepted Christ as Savior.

As Salomon grew in the Lord, he was sent to Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince for his BS degree, and he later earned an MA degree in counseling from Indiana Wesleyan University through their satellite program. Following his BS degree, we recognized God’s direction to use him in the camping ministry. Dr. Ken Hay of The Wilds Camp and Conference Center, Brevard, North Carolina, arranged for Salomon to come to the States for training at The Wilds and prepared him for the camping ministry as part of their newly formed CampsAbroad division for camps around the world. God’s marvelous hand has been on the camp and on Pastor Salomon. Over the past ten years, more than 4500 young people have attended camp, over 1650 spiritual decisions have been made for Christ, and hundreds of conferences have been conducted there. God continues to use Pastor Salomon’s love for young people to draw them and teach them to “set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” (Psalm 78:7)

Jean Toussaint

Jean Toussaint

Pastor, Seminary Vice-Academic Dean

Pastor Jean came to us in the providence of God! Having been raised in Catholicism/voodooism, he found Christ as Savior at age 13. Through God’s grace, he began attending a Baptist church, where he was baptized and his spiritual growth increased dramatically. He preached his first sermon at age 17. When he graduated from high school, the leadership in his church made a way for him to begin pastoral training at the Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince, where he gained a full scholarship. Then the earthquake happened in his junior year (2010) and the school was forced to close. One month later, he and a few other students chosen by the dean of students received a full scholarship from Mr. Leo Wells of Wells Fargo Bank to continue their studies at Carver College, Atlanta, Georgia.

When Jean graduated, a friend invited him to North Carolina, where he found a job earning $14 an hour. Although delighted with the income, Jean stated, “It made me too comfortable and I forgot my first objective of being in the U.S., which was to study and go back to serve the Lord in Haiti. So the Lord sent hardships to remind me of my divine appointment.” God then led him to Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in 2015, where he enrolled in Piedmont International University to pursue a master’s degree in biblical studies. Upon his graduation in 2018, he returned to Haiti and began teaching at our Theological Bible Seminary of Haiti (SBTH).

Shortly thereafter, Pastor Dieupie resigned from the Parliament and realized Jean was just the man to lead SBTH’s much-needed revitalization. Thus began the “Toussaint Transformation,” which involved a new student manual, a professor’s syllabus, a curriculum for women, an academic calendar, an alumni association, the beginning of a work/study initiative, a bookstore, and a new library. We praise praise God for providentially bringing Pastor Jean to Hosanna – “for such a time as this”!! (Esther 4:14b)

Rejouis Jean-Maxis

Rejouis Jean-Maxis

Pastor of Hananeel Evangelistic Baptist Church and School Administrator

Rejouis Jean-Maxis became God’s choice to shine the light of the Gospel in Mont-Fleuri! Two months after the earthquake, community leaders from Mont-Fleuri visited Pastor Dieupie to plead, “We have two Satanic temples, but we have no Gospel church and no school.” Canvassing was done and the need was recognized.

Prior to this, Rejouis had completed a degree in economics at a state university in Port-au-Prince and had accepted a position with the Spanish Red Cross as an administrative accountant. Then came the 2010 earthquake! His job involved staying in a hotel during weeknights, and the earthquake caught him on the third floor of this hotel. As the building was collapsing all around him and people were plunging to their deaths, he closed his eyes and kept repeating, “Jesus, save me!!” And Jesus DID! Rejouis escaped completely unharmed! He immediately recognized that God had saved him for a purpose, and he knew in his heart that purpose was to preach the Gospel.

Following the earthquake, Rejouis returned to Jacmel and enrolled in our Theological Bible Seminary of Haiti (SBTH). While attending SBTH, he was asked by Pastor Dieupie to be the pastor of the Mont-Fleuri church because of his zeal for pastoring. His compassionate heart has motivated him to reach into this spiritually dark community to meet physical as well as spiritual needs. He has several strong visitation groups, a “special helps” group of women for women, and an AWANA children’s Bible club. In addition, there are two nurses who make house calls to take blood pressure and answer medical questions. The church’s sewing school made over 3000 face masks to distribute to every person in the community. Pastor Rejouis publishes a quarterly village bulletin and has a quarterly community meeting with the locals. He directs soccer camps and vacation Bible schools. Hananeel Baptist Church has an average attendance between 130-160, and its school has 120 students. We praise God for saving and appointing Pastor Rejouis to be the “Gospel light that shines in the darkness of Mont-Fleuri!” (John 1:5a)

We are powered by your prayers and enabled by your gifts. God’s blessings and our thanks to you!

Tom, Sarah, and the Team

November 2020 Prayer Letter
Posted on November 10th, 2020

Flat Coronavirus – Praise God!

We were encouraged during our recent trip to Haiti to see COVID-19 basically flat – PRAISE GOD! Remaining are the miseries of corruption, riots, inflation, and hunger. Believers are interceding concerning these issues! Very recently Hosanna Baptist Church members came together for 15 days of prayer and fasting. The church opened its doors for personal prayer every day from 6 until 2 and then held a combined service of prayer, song, and preaching in the evening. Our hearts rejoiced to see a steady stream of believers coming and going all day long, concluding with a packed evening service. PTL!

Another Week of Camp – Please Pray

The school schedule will be allowing a brief semester break from mid-October to mid-November. That will give Pastor Salomon an opportunity for a week of camp. He will split the week in half to allow two groups of campers to attend. We covet your prayers for every facet of the camp – speakers, topics, “God and I” booklets, and teaching that will reestablish godly principles and convictions in campers’ hearts.

Highlighting this month . . . Jean Toussaint

Pastor, Seminary Vice-Academic Dean
“for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14b)

Pastor Jean came to us in the providence of God! Having been raised in Catholicism/voodooism, he found Christ as Savior at age 13. His parents separated shortly thereafter, which devastated him. However, through God’s grace, he began attending a Baptist church, where he was baptized and his spiritual growth increased dramatically. He preached his first sermon at age 17. Doors began to open for him; and when he graduated from high school, the leadership in his church made a way for him to begin pastoral training at the Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince. His superior grades gained him a full scholarship. Then the earthquake happened in his junior year (2010) and the school was forced to close. One month later, he and a few other students chosen by the dean of students received a full scholarship from Mr. Leo Wells of Wells Fargo Bank to continue their studies at Carver College, Atlanta, Georgia. Since commercial travel was suspended, the donor sent his private jet to pick up these young men to begin their studies at Carver in the fall of 2010.

When Jean graduated, a friend invited him to North Carolina, where he found a job with Foxconn, earning $14 an hour. Although delighted with the income, Jean stated, “It made me too comfortable and I forgot my first objective of being in the U.S., which was to study and go back to serve the Lord in Haiti. So the Lord sent hardships to remind me of my divine appointment.” God then led him to Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in 2015, where he enrolled in Piedmont International University to pursue a master’s degree in biblical studies. While there, he married his Haitian sweetheart and they welcomed their first child. Upon his graduation in 2018, they returned to Haiti and Jean began teaching at our seminary (SBTH).

Then God opened our eyes to Pastor Jean’s amazing gifts as administrator in addition to his teaching abilities. Because of Pastor Dieupie’s involvement in the Haitian Parliament for four years, the seminary had declined. Then the “Toussaint Transformation” began: a new student manual, a manual and syllabus for the professors, a new curriculum for women, the establishment of a yearly operating academic calendar, the inauguration of an alumni association, the introduction of a seminary anthem, the beginning of an SBTH work/study initiative, the opening of a bookstore, and a complete library reform. In addition, Pastor Jean has established a student day of evangelism, an annual student conference day, a pastors’ conference, and a semiannual white glove cleaning. Surely, we praise God for providentially bringing Pastor Jean Toussaint to Hosanna – “for such a time as this”!!

Our thanks and praise to God!!

Tom and Sarah Bennett

October 2020 Prayer Letter
Posted on October 7th, 2020

Pray for our Beloved Walt Rumminger

Over a year ago, Walt became very ill with transverse myelitis (an inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord), which left his right side paralyzed from his shoulder to his foot. This happened on the heels of his retirement and after his having given MFH 17 years of his excellent building expertise in the construction of all our major buildings. This condition blindsided him; however, we were amazed to hear him say, “I’m not even asking God why this has happened to me, because He knew about it before I was born.” Presently, Walt continues to weaken. His wife suffers from bone cancer, but cares for Walt so tenderly and lovingly. Our hearts are compassionate toward them, and we covet your prayers for God’s grace as they endure this trial of their faith!

Highlighting this month:
Salomon Cadet

Pastor – Director of Camp Bossier – Seminary Professor

“That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments.” (Psalm 78:7)

God used the above verse in Pastor Salomon’s heart to confirm his passion to work with young people and rescue them from Satan’s grip through voodoo and witchcraft. Although Salomon grew up in a Catholic family that practiced witchcraft and participated in voodoo ceremonies led by his grandparents, he and his siblings were NOT forbidden to visit Gospel-preaching services in the village. He praises God for this, because it allowed him to hear the Gospel message multiple times. One by one, he and his five siblings and his mother accepted Christ as Savior. (His father continues to reject Christ, because he cannot give up cockfighting.)

As Salomon grew in the Lord and became a fervent disciple of Christ, MFH sent him to the Theological Evangelical Seminary of Port-au-Prince for his BS degree, and later he earned an MA degree in counseling from Indiana Wesleyan University through their satellite program. Following his BS degree, we recognized God’s direction to use him in the camping ministry. Dr. Ken Hay of The Wilds Camp and Conference Center, Brevard, North Carolina, arranged for Salomon to come to the States for training at The Wilds and prepared him for the MFH camping ministry! Pastor Salomon is one of the five Hosanna leaders who will make up the MFH Board in Haiti.

God orchestrated many events to give us Camp Bossier by the Sea. This five-acre ocean site had been purchased by missionaries almost 40 years earlier but remained mostly undeveloped. When we went with Walt Rumminger to view this property, we saw its possibilities as a camp and conference center and received permission to build on it. Through Dr. Hay and the newly formed CampsAbroad division for camps around the world, plans to build Camp Bossier began. We organized a huge fundraiser, motivated multiple work teams from many churches, and erected nine buildings in two months under Walt’s leadership. Finally, we were ready for Dr. Hay and his staff to come to Haiti, train counselors, design a Christ-honoring program for young people, and prepare Pastor Salomon as the camp’s director. God’s marvelous hand has been on the camp and on Pastor Salomon. Over the past ten years, over 4000 young people have attended camp, over 1600 spiritual decisions have been made for Christ, and hundreds of conferences have been conducted there. God has used Salomon’s love for young people to draw them to Christ and give them a thirst for God and a desire for victory in their spiritual lives.

What’s going on in Haiti?

COVID-19 is almost nonexistent now, for which we PRAISE GOD! However, corruption continues, inflation continues, and hunger continues. We praise and thank God for you, our faithful and God-given donors and prayer warriors!

Tom and Sarah Bennett